Did you receive a TEST from CruzAware emergency notification system?

If you didn’t get the TEST email, read this and sign up so you will receive emergency information from the OR3.

Santa Cruz County

The County of Santa Cruz, Office of Response, Recovery and Resilience, is conducting a TEST of the Cruz Aware emergency notification system. This is only a TEST. If you are receiving this message, you are registered with Cruz Aware.

As we mark the 3-year remembrance of the CZU Lightning Complex Fires that destroyed over 900 homes in our County, and in the aftermath of the recent devastating and tragic fires in Hawaii, emergency alert and warning is one key tool the County or our partner jurisdictions will use to alert you to potential hazards or emergencies.

The NEW Cruz Aware system allows you to select from several National Weather Service weather conditions to receive additional automatic notifications from the National Weather Service. We recommend at a minimum updating your notification preferences to include the following weather conditions:

· Fire Weather Watch

· Red Flag Warning

· Extreme Fire Danger

· Tsunami

· Thunderstorms

This will allow the Cruz Aware system to notify you automatically if the National Weather Service issues any of these weather alerts.

If you log in to your Cruz Aware account, you can update your contact information or add these additional types of Weather messages.

For more information, please visit the County Office of Response, Recovery and Resilience website.

· OR3 website

· Registration Portal Link

· YouTube Video Tutorial

· CruzAware FAQ

Common issue: If you ONLY have a landline and no cell phone or email in your OLD CodeRed account, there hasn’t been a way for the NEW Cruz Aware system to send a temporary password. IF this is happening to you or, please email cruzaware@santacruzcounty.us and we can set up a temporary password.

Emergency Preparedness:

The Office of Response, Recovery and Resilience wants to HEAR FROM YOU!

What type of preparedness and resilience training, education, resources and locations for such programming or resources would be helpful for you? Please take a moment to take this anonymous survey to share your thoughts on what locations and types of services might be helpful for you in Climate Change and emergency preparedness.

Thank you for your time,

The Office of Response, Recovery and Resilience.