Egress Fire Drill on Saturday, Oct 29th at 10:00 am-12:00 noon

Last chance to learn alternative ways to escape NRG during an evacuation. The drill will take place on Amigo to Felicidad to Chaminade to SC Gardens. It starts at 10:00 am and ends at noon on Sunday, Oct 29th.

Establishing these egress routes, purchasing evacuation signs and posts, and educating NRG residents costs money. Please donate $100+ to help us finance these drills. Thank you to Rima Anthony for her donation! Venmo donations to @Susan-Tatsui-DArcy

What to Expect:

  1. Use your MURS radio to hear how the egress drill is going. Keith and Eric will give you updates about traffic jams – just like you’ll hear during an actual evacuation when we’re dealing with fire trucks and EMS on the roads. You still have time to purchase Radioditty radios and get them programmed by either Keith or Eric.

  2. Just one car per household (and this if for real evacuations too)

  3. Complete the short survey at the end of the egress route. This will give us the feedback we need before we install permanent signs.

  4. Only drive this route during our Egress Drills and during real evacuations. Do NOT drive this at any other time. You will be trespassing and we may completely lose this privilege as an egress route. Please respect the property owners and their generosity in allowing us to drive through their properties.


  1. Help with signage
  2. Monitor driver instincts
  3. Bake cookies (for people who fill out the surveys)
  4. Clean up after the egress drill

The drill is on SUNDAY October 29…

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