Fill out the NRG Firewise USA Survey!

Homeowners and Renters:
We need your help to become a Firewise USA-recognized community. All information provided is confidential; your information will only be used to create aggregate numbers for the Firewise USA recognition application. They will not receive any personal information.

The benefits of becoming a Firewise USA community include:

  1. Fire Insurance:
    Demonstrate that you have hardened your home and have prepared for wildfires
  2. Grants and Free Services:
    Receive reimbursement for your wood chipping and other wildfire risk-reduction projects
  3. Emergencies:
    Establish phone trees, evacuation plans, and community connection

We may also use this information to set up phone trees and evacuation contact information as we create Micro Communities on North Rodeo Gulch Road.

Click here to fill out the survey!

Please reach out to your neighbors to get them to complete the SURVEY! We are still very short and we CANNOT submit our Firewise application until 30% of us fill it out! We have already done many of the requirements for Firewise, so it’s really getting the survey completed that’s holding us up. If everyone who has filled out the survey gets 2 other neighbors to do the same, we’ll be ready to submit! Please help me!

Susan - did we ever achieve a certification this year? Getting FAIR coverage and they offer a 10% discount if we are in a certified area. If we are certified, could you forward the certificate? With thanks, Bill