It's fire season! Join us for our MURS radio test!

We’re hosting our MURS radio test this Saturday, May 18th at 9:00 am. Get your MURS radios out, plug them in, and check in with us so we know how to communicate with you during an evacuation.

It just takes a few minutes for you to check in and to see how far your transmission can reach. Remember, during a wildfire (or other emergency), we probably won’t have PG&E so our MURS radios will be our lifelines.

If you’re not sure how to use your radio, Keith and Eric (NRG Firewise members) will show you how to use them and help you with antennas and tips on how to get better reception. They’ll even program them for you and help you find great deals of the MURS radios!

See you on Saturday!