NRG Firewise Clearing Day Success!

THANK YOU to our hardworking and dedicated volunteers who cleared 2 egress routes (Chardonnay and Amigo/Felicidad/Chaminade) and NRG on June 30th!

Frank and Teresa Locatelli dug out stumps, weedwhacked all of Chardonnay and parts of NRG.

John Nadler dug holes, poured concrete, and installed poles for the Chardonnay emergency egress route. Frank helped dig the post holes, too!

Matthew and Michaline Todd weed whacked Amigo and Felicidad, then joined us on NRG to clear the areas near the one-lane roads and stop signs to improve visibility for our drivers.

Randle weed whacked NRG from Chimney Creek to Hidden Valley, and Rob D’Arcy and Peter Tiemann directed traffic.

Eamon Briggs weed whacked north of Chimney Creek across from his property.

Marika Rigg limbed up trees and weedwhacked up at the top of NRG.

Fred Nadel cleared Ponza Lane so it looks like a park!

Rob made yummy breakfast burritos and Matthew and Michaline made delicious gourmet sandwiches.

We got the work done by 5:30pm. Special thanks to Carolyn Stallard, Deo Robbins, and Noah Flores for their generous donations. We made new friends and we are making NRG Firewise one of the best Firewise communities in Santa Cruz County. Central Fire is impressed and sends other firewise leaders up our way to show them how we get it done!

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