Order your MURS radio, and Eric or Keith will program them for you!

If you don’t have a MURS radio, purchase the Radioddity:
Radioddity MU-5 MURS Radio | 250 Channels | License Free | USB-C Charg (can also get them from Amazon.com).

Our MURS radio experts, Keith Trinity and Eric Swenson, in our NRG Firewise community run our monthly radio tests and they graciously volunteer to program your radios (for free!) so you can automatically be on our NRG Firewise channel and can hear the fire dept, sheriff, hospital, PG&E and other channels.

Keith Trinity: keithtrinity@gmail.com
Eric Swenson: eric@swenson.org

Order your radios and email either Keith (Amigo) or Eric (HVR) to get their shipping address.

This is a great time to get your MURS radios!
