Want free chipping?

I am organizing a free chipping through the RCD so we can clear our roads (up to 10 feet on each side) and 100’ around our homes. Here’s the deal:

  1. Need to do the clearing yourselves (they don’t cover clearing, just chipping)

  2. Pile branches (no larger than 6") at the edge of the road or driveway in piles. See details at RCD .

  3. Clearing must be done by Oct 24th (take photos and keep track of hours spent clearing), and chipping must be done by Oct 30th.

  4. I’ll organize the chipping date and pay the chipper. The RCD will reimburse me for costs for chipping.

If you’re interested, please contact me so I can include you. The RCD will reimburse us for up to $250 per household. That’s about an hour of chipping. You’ll need to pay for any amount over the $250. We need 8 households to get this deal.

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Thanks Susan. Couple Qs:

  1. What is the reason we need to keep track of our hours clearing? I thought the $250 was for chipping only?
  2. For those of us without room at the street end of our driveway, can we pile at other accessible location on our prop?

Matt Paiss

Good questions!

  1. The RCD expects homeowners to contribute towards the project by way of clearing. This can be manual labor yourself (hence: [track your hours](https://NA NA NA)) or money you spend on clearing (hence: keep your receipts). The Firewise association also expects that homeowners will spend X dollars between Y residents each year (the formula is on their website). So, yes, the $250 reimbursement is for the chipping portion of the job. Our chipping company will only chip; we need to do the clearing. If you would like to apply for this reimbursement with your own 8 neighbors, make sure the chipping company separates the clearing portion because the RCD requires this.

Take before and after photos, and send them to me. I need them for our Firewise application.

  1. Yes, please make your piles in an area that makes it easy for the chipper people to conduct their work in a safe way. Cars need to be able to pass while the chipper is in operation.

*** Another point I should clarify here is that if you have lots of piles (yay!), you can just pay for everything else above the $250 reimbursement. This is an incentive to get people clearing and chipping!

We are officially set up for chipping on NRG for Thursday, October 21, 2021. If you will have everything neatly piled up (no dirt, nails, poison oak) and along your private road or driveway, please send me photos by this weekend.

I’ll need the following:

  1. Address
  2. Amount of time and money you spent clearing
  3. Before and after photos (if possible)

Let’s do this!

Great time to limb up trees this weekend! If you create a few piles (4’x4’x8’) on your driveway or private road, you can get it chipped for free (up to $250 for reimbursement). We are chipping on Thursday, Oct 21st. Let me know if you’d like to join us!