We may lose our landline service

Did you know that AT&T has applied to CPUC to pull out of providing landline service in much of California.
I believe this is serious.

There are two applications to CPUC by AT&T:

Application 23-03-002 “AT&T California to Withdraw its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Status”

Application 23-03-003 “application of AT&T California for Relief from its Carrier of Last Resort Obligation”

Many NRG neighbors do NOT have cell service and rely solely on their landlines. Comcast lines can provide VOIP, but Comcast frequently goes down during storms and public safety power shutoffs.

AT&T is officially “the Carrier of Last Resort" in California. AT&T has appealed to the CPUC to end that obligation, and the CPUC is requesting public input over the next month or so.

Contact our Board of Supervisors to voice your opinions.

Here is more information: