Looking for your input on speakers at our exciting NRG Firewise event in April. Please tell me what you want to learn about and your biggest concerns. Thank you!
Likely fire behavior in this area, following on Marco Mack’s pilot presentation Feb 5.
How to decide whether to evacuate or shelter in place, and whether there would even be a choice. I can easily picture a nightmare scenario where we are told to evacuate but can’t actually get out, ending up trapped somewhere.
Criteria for qualifying for discounts on fire insurance.
Thank you Carolyn. I’ll add your suggestions to the list of topics to cover at our next event.
Anybody else have suggestions? This is a great opportunity to get your concerns addressed by experts!
I would like to address two things going on at The Central Fire District.
- Have someone explain the redistricting proposal and how it impacts us.
- How can we effectively Provide Public comments on SFD halting late season burn days - not issuing permits- earlier than April 30th? Especially if conditions such as low humidity & moisture levels, probable wind forecast (using NOAA) exist.
Our Fire Marshal Mike DeMars - might be the one to address these as well as how to be more involved w/CFD
Another topic, how and when to dispose of dead and dying trees trees. Especially Oaks dying of SOD and how to prevent contamination of healthy oak trees. When can you cut a tree thats presenting a danger to your home? If it’s someone else’s property?
Talk to the RCD. They have great resources. If you have the tree cut down, the RCD has a free chipping program that you can use to have the tree chipped so you don’t have to pay for removal. If the tree is within 100 feet of your home, it will probably be covered under the RCD. They give grants for free chipping and because you’re part of the NRG Firewise community, you get priority! Just find others to join you. Check out their website. I believe there is a link to the RCD from our website (not the forum).
I believe Mike DeMars will be at our NRG Firewise event on April 23, 2022. You can talk to him or Marco Mack during the information sessions at the event.
I would like to see clearing defined more specifically for our area. I have spoken to Marco about this and there are some concrete examples I’d like him to share, for instance limbing trees up 6’-12’ above the ground and removing “ladder fuel.” The basics seem to have been lost in favor of discussions of fire behavior, etc.
Any information on fire insurance progress would be helpful.
On our road, discussions of evacuation routes have stalled. I agree with Carolyn. I would like to see more effort put into this. We need recommendations by Central Fire and a clear path toward a remedy for our microcommunities.
Lastly, because of discussions with Marco and Tony, we’ve had great success marking water sources on Muir Drive and greatly improving signage. I would like to see a renewed effort, and therefore greater emphasis placed on Central Fire approved signage on roads, improving turnouts for fire trucks, and providing turnarounds for fire trucks.
We are counting on Central Fire (or partner fire agencies, ie CalFire) to assist us in a wildfire scenario. I think it’s time we focus more on what the fire departments need from us as residents to make it easier for them to get to us and do their work.
Great recommendations and comments Lorraine! Tony Akin will be discussing clearing properties (ladder fuels, limbing, etc). Evacuation and shelter in place will be addressed by Marco, CalFire, and/or the County Sheriff.
Thank you for reminding all of us that we do need to understand how we can make it easier and safer for Central, CalFire, and EMS to reach us. We need to do our part! Everyone needs to harden their homes and clear 100 feet around their houses. We also need to widen our roads, put up new address signs and road signs, create fire breaks, and establish 30,000 gal water tanks for fire protection.
Come to our April 23rd event to learn more!
30,000 gallon tanks? Hmmm. Mine total 5,000 gallons. Always kept full, PG&E and Capitola Pump willing. I’m really not counting on help from Central Fire or CalFire, and I’m planning accordingly.